Hack Administrator Password In Windows 7,Xp And Vista
of us might have experienced a situation when we forget our Windows
administrator password.And we are not able to login into windows and
access our all necessary data and programs.At that time the only
solution that comes into or mind is the installation of fresh copy of
windows but this will lead to loss of all data and files that are in the
windows drive.There is also another way around using which you don’t
need to install a fresh copy of windows and without losing any data.We
are providing here the method to reset windows administrator
password.This tutorial is only for the purpose of recovering your
windows 7,xp or vista password.This should be used only when you forgot
or lost your password and not for hacking into somebody else’s
system.Using this hack you can reset your administrator password or
leave it blank.
By using this tutorial
1.You donot need to know anything about your old password.
2.You can unlock locked or disabled accounts.
3.Also edit the registry.
The requirements for using this method are:-
1.Blank CD/floppy disk.
2.Access to Internet.
3.Cd or floppy writer
These requirements can be easily fulfilled by spending 15 minutes in cybercafe or at friends computer
Now here is the step by step tutorial with screenshots on how to hack administrator password in windows 7,vista or xp.
1.Download this small utility.
2.You will get an zipped file with ISO image in it.Extract his image using winrar or inbuilt windows software.
your blank cd in CD-ROM and burn this using Nero or any other image
burner software.this is most important step and make sure you burn the
ISO image properly.
4.Now put this CD in the system whose password is to be reset.
5.Restart your system and when prompted press enter to boot from the CD.

you do not get prompt of boot from CD.Then restart you system and press
f2 or f6 or f8 or Esc key(anyone of them should work for your system)
before the booting of the windows start.Now you will enter into bios and
you should change the boot order from here with the first preference as
CD-ROM.And again restart your system
the software will load automatically.It will ask you to select the
windows drive and after that provide you with the option of resetting
If you have any queries or suggestion do not hesitate to ask.